2022 Reflections

As we work towards next year’s Arts Market, the PANNZ team are carrying with us the experiences, the learning and the opportunities that this year has gifted.

Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua.
I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on my past.
Pictured above: The PANNZ team – Jo Bond, Lesley-Anne Carey, Dolina Weihipeihana, Emily Hakaraia and Louise Gallagher. Absent: Amie Moffat, Candice de Villiers and Toni Tippett.

The Highlights

Louise Gallagher (CEO): There have been many highlights – including being able to tour the wonderful works by The Conch and Rutene Spooner, with some our key festival and venue presenters, connect with the industry at our in-person gathering, getting out into the world again – by attending PAC Australia and CINARS (Canada) with some of our amazing artists, and seeing NZ work being snapped up for international presentations. Other highlights include some wonderful new people into our team – Amie Moffat (Executive Producer) and Candice de Villiers (Marketing Manager) – making an incredible team all that much stronger! I am in awe of the PANNZ team, the challenges we have faced and overcome, the grace, intelligence and Aroha that each of them bring, every day.

Dolina Wehipeihana (Kaīārahi Māori):
(so many highlights!) Being on the road with the tour of Thoroughly Modern Māui in PANNZ’s inaugural Māori Presenter Network Tour and seeing audiences across the motu laugh, cry and enjoy being at live theatre again.

Amie Moffat
: Joining the PANNZ team full time and working alongside an amazing bunch of wāhine.

Lesley-Anne Carey (Office Manager)
: The In Person Market and getting to be together again.

Candice de Villiers (Marketing Manager):
Attending the In Person Gathering in September was definitely a highlight – it was invigorating to see so many of us together in one room again – to actually HEAR connection and networking and kōrero happening on that scale again was so hopeful.

The bit that surprised you, made you laugh or made you cry

LG: On a down note, the state of funding and some incredible artists not being successful in their annual arts grants and seeing the devastating effect that has had on a number of them, years of work and investment down the drain in an instant, made me cry.

DW: Definitely cried watching Thoroughly Modern Māui – the messages in the show, and that voice!

AM: Realising that two days of emails had been blocked due to hyper diligent security from our service provider.

LAC: Tim Blake (previous Marketing Manager) Leaving was sad! Candice de Villiers (new Marketing Manager) starting was exciting and Amie Mofatt (Executive Producer), she’s an inspiration, so positive!

CDV: Hearing and reflecting on how resilient and strong so many in our sector have had to be this last couple of years gave me a sense of real pride for the people of our industry. Yet at the same time the simple fact that we have HAD to be this resilient in an already stretched community felt almost melancholy. I do have hope though, for what we can achieve as a collective with conscientious and ardent advocacy for the important work we do.


LG: I want to acknowledge a couple of people who have moved on from PANNZ – our Mātanga Toi Māori Kura Te Ua and Tim Blake (Marketing Manager) – they gave us all so much, and guided us and leave with our every lasting thanks and we look forward to working them in their new capacities in years to come.I also want to acknowledge the PANNZ board (Charlie Unwin, Megan Peacock Coyle, Amber Curreen, Jonathan Bielski and Frances McElhinney) always so supportive and a wonderful cohort of people. I also want to acknowledge some of the key individuals outside of PANNZ, but who have been instrumental in helping us shape things and been such champions of us – Bernie Haldane, Helaina Keeley, Eleanor Congreve, Annie Ackerman, Sam Ackerman, Ben Crowder, Michelle Lafferty, Debs McSmith, Cath Cardiff, Catherine Jones, Katherine Connor and Judy Harquill.

DW: I want to acknowledge our Mātanga Toi Māori Kura Te Ua as 2022 is her last year with us – she has guided the PANNZ team and market programme to be underpinned with tikanga Māori and a te ao Māori perspective, and also her direction of the opening ceremony for the market the last two years has been epic (this year even directing rehearsals via zoom due to Covid isolations!)

AM: Ahhhh there are so many but I am always so grateful to work with incredible humans in this industry to bring joy and curiousity to peoples lives.

LAC: Took my daughter to Thoroughly Modern Maui and LOVED watching her watch Rutene, she was mesmerised 🙂

CDV: To all the people who make PANNZ possible – being new to the role I am appreciating more and more just how considered and responsive all those involved are when it comes to the work, the people and the purpose of it all.

The Downtime

LG: I will be sunning myself and swimming a lot over in Australia where I will be for Christmas. Lying by the pool and reading as many books as I can squeeze in!

I’ll be in a creative space working with my two daughters on a digital dance project.  The best way for me to energise and find motivation and connection is to leave the brain behind and get physical!

AM: Lying on the beach, writing, stretching, drinking long blacks in the morning, hugging my family and dog Mabel,watching the clouds and swimming in the moonlight

LAC: At the beach with Family, recharging.  I hope to read a book or five.

CDV: Haha! Downtime with three young kids. What is that? No seriously, what is it and where do I find it again? (Pls send help)

The Year Ahead

LG: I am very much looking forward to seeing everyone again at the PANNZ Arts Market in March, and watching our NZ artists shine and show the best to our presenters here and overseas. I am also looking forward to creating more pathways and connecting the work of NZ artists to as many places as possible. I am excited about the partnerships we have and how these are deepening and developing each year. I am looking forward to spending more time with the PANNZ team – they are a fun and wonderful group of people, who I am blessed to work with, and whose company I deeply enjoy.

DW: The pitches and showcases at the market I always love – listening to the amazing artists in Aotearoa talk about their work. And having international guests back in real life at the market.

AM: Coming back to Aotearoa after such a long time and being with everyone.

LAC: Having more In Person time. I miss the office!

CDV: I am a bit embarrassed by my excitement for the 2023 Market – being involved in the planning and preparation and seeing how the hybrid nature of the event is organised is so fascinating. Most of all I cannot wait to see all the new work and ideas that have been brewing by our NZ creatives and are ready to be shared with us all.

The PANNZ office will be closed for the holidays from Thursday 22 December 2022 and will re-open on Monday 16 January 2023.
Feel free to email us at info@pannz.org.nz during this time and we will get back to you once we return from break.

Meri Kirihimete and we look forward to seeing you at the Arts Market in 2023.


Now: Registrations are currently open to attend the Arts Market in 2023 (register here)
January: Arts Market Theme announced
February: Full Arts Market programme announced
March 13-14: Arts Market 2023, Digital Market
March 15-16: Arts Market 2023, In Person Gathering (Auckland)
March: Nominations for the FAME Mid-Career Awards open at the conclusion of the Arts Market